Xplorearth led the fourth edition of Splendid Spiti in association with Triumph Motorcycles in the middle of August, 2021. The event saw faces old and new alike participate; with all the riders going back far more capable and experienced than when they arrived in Shimla!

Date: August 14-20, 2021


Day 0
The riders congregated in Shimla for the start of the ride. Registration formalities were complied with, bikes were checked up and small niggles fixed, and a briefing was provided to all participants about what to expect for the coming days.

The riders set out from Fagu towards Kalpa, which was to be our base for the night. The route comprised smooth and broken tarmac both, as riders made their were acquainted with the kind of terrain and conditions they could expect in the days to come.

Day 2 was a long day of tarmac, broken tarmac and dirt riding from Kalpa over the Hindustan Tibet Road all the way to Kaza, through Nako, Gyu and Tabo. The day’s riding would prove to be a test of both skill as well as endurance for all the riders involved, with most of the riders tackling challenges of that magnitude for the first time!

After the rigours of the previous day, Day 3 was an optional rest day for riders who wished to recuperate for what was to come. Those able and willing rode from Kaza to Hikkim, the village playing host to the Highest Post Office in the world! The ride then proceeded to the monastery at Komic. Subsequently, the ride leaders familiarized the group with certain off road riding techniques that would hold them in good stead for the remainder of the ride. After a few hours’ training, the group returned to Kaza for a hearty meal and well earned rest.

DAY 4 
Day 4 saw the group leave Kaza in the early hours of the morning, in order to complete the journey to Sissu in a timely fashion. The route for the day took the riders over the fabulous Chicham Bridge, and through Kyarto and Losar before surmounting Kunzum Pass – always a highlight! The group made it to Sissu in good time, with the weather proving very cooperative throughout.
Great trails, super weather, amazing riding and most of all fabulous company made this one of our most memorable rides in recent memory! Already itching to get back on the horse again.

Those keen attempted the climb to Shingo La in the morning, on what would otherwise be a very routine ride back to Manali. Water crossings and treacherous terrain was the norm closer to the top. On the way back, the group reunited at Sissu, and continued through the Atal Tunnel into Manali for the certification ceremony and well earned rest.

Spiti remains a challenging destination despite the progress in roadworks etc. across the region. Fortune favoured the group with regard to beautiful weather on this particular attempt though, making for much simpler passing. All in all, yet another successful event conducted between Triumph and Team Xplorearth!!

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